Saturday, January 10, 2015

Buying flowers

Many years ago I bought flowers for the funeral of a dear friend who I had shared a flat with for a couple of years. As an impoverished student, flowers seemed to be a wild extravagance so I'd never bought them when we were living together. It seemed so sad that he'd never enjoyed our flat looking more cheerful with flowers while he was alive, so in memory of Roger I regularly buy flowers so that the living can enjoy them. I'm sure Roger would approve.


Blogger Shelley Whiting's art said...

This painting has a lot of emotion. I can sense the loss. Very deep and expressive work.

1/12/2015 10:43 PM  
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5/14/2015 4:30 AM  
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10/05/2015 9:36 AM  
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11/02/2015 7:11 AM  
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11/09/2015 7:12 AM  
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12/07/2015 6:39 AM  
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12/28/2015 7:10 AM  
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1/04/2016 2:36 AM  
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1/22/2016 6:57 AM  
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1/23/2016 8:10 AM  
Blogger Marko Sianipar said...

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3/11/2016 6:10 AM  
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3/15/2016 12:47 AM  
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3/15/2016 1:14 AM  
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3/16/2016 6:48 AM  
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3/17/2016 1:54 AM  
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3/17/2016 3:45 AM  
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4/07/2016 4:00 AM  
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5/11/2016 12:30 PM  
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6/11/2016 2:46 AM  
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6/28/2016 9:03 AM  
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9/30/2016 5:28 AM  
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12/10/2016 3:44 AM  
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5/05/2017 2:01 AM  
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5/20/2017 8:06 AM  
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5/29/2017 6:29 AM  
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6/19/2017 9:01 AM  
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7/04/2017 3:34 AM  
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9/07/2017 3:29 AM  
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9/07/2017 3:30 AM  
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10/09/2017 2:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/16/2017 3:28 PM  
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10/18/2017 10:24 AM  
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11/14/2017 6:28 AM  
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11/27/2017 5:32 PM  
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12/27/2017 2:19 AM  
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3/06/2018 4:53 AM  
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7/11/2018 8:46 AM  
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7/19/2018 10:02 AM  
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8/03/2018 9:02 AM  
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10/09/2018 8:10 AM  
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10/12/2018 1:26 AM  
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10/24/2018 1:43 AM  
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11/02/2018 6:48 AM  
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4/22/2019 9:08 AM  
Blogger Riko JR said...

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5/28/2019 8:38 AM  

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