Rachmaninov Vespers in St Albans Abbey
This should be a wonderful concert by the St Albans Chamber Choir on the 17th of May. Book your tickets here.
posted by Julie Oakley at Thursday, May 08, 2014
This is a place where I regularly post personal artwork, good, bad or indifferent.
The characters that crop up regularly in this blog are daughter – Flo, eldest son – Tom, second son – Hugo and third son – Xavier.
I'll try to reply wherever you comment but if I don't it's only because I'm overwhelmed with caring for my family and earning a living.
And talking about earning a living, if you need a good all round graphic designer please visit my business website to see if I can help you.
If you want to buy prints of anything you see here or have any requests please send an email to julie at julieoakleydesign dot com
© Julie Oakley 2005-2016
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