Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The snow blues



Blogger Penny said...

Always money, this is always our worst time of the year, not helped by a multitude of outside elements not kicking in,plus I have to say a trip overseas!
Like the snow drop.

2/11/2010 9:31 PM  
Blogger Roberta S said...

Hi Julie, so many of us right now have the blues. Thank you so much for the beauty, the comfort, the encouragement, the understanding, the therapy. How much do I owe you--oh, for that part of it, catch you later.

And...Thanks for the beautiful card that also proves that blackness and blues can be beautiful enough to raise low spirits to a grand high.

2/12/2010 5:01 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Penny I hope things improve for you.
And thank you Roberta.

2/15/2010 11:42 PM  
Anonymous Janet Ostrov said...

Julie, we "met" in the linkedin collaborative women group and I am just now visiting your site. Your work is personal and delightful, and I like the "airiness" of the site itself. Very peaceful! With your permission, I would like to post your "money" picture and quote on my blog with a link to yours. Let me know if that's OK! Janet Ostrov www.theplayfulsage.com

2/28/2010 5:10 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Thank you Janet, and feel free to post this picture with a credit. I'm almost always happy to allow people to do this when they ask so nicely.

2/28/2010 6:48 PM  

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