Monday, June 08, 2009

The trick is to find your sport

This was sketched by the canal as Robin participated in individual paddling time trials for selection for the dragon boat team. The Great Britain senior mixed dragon boat team is the second sport in which Robin will represent his country. The first was the Great Britain unicycling hockey team. Me? I’m waiting for ‘sketch as you walk’ to become a recognised sport, sort of along the lines of ice skating where you get marks for speed and artistry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Congratulate Robin from me. If he wants any tips from a veteran paddler he knows where to come!


6/08/2009 2:19 PM  
Blogger owenswain said...

Perfect. It really is a perfect sketch. I bet you can walk and chew gum as well.

6/08/2009 5:41 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Thank you Owen. Well just about!

Thanks Rachel, Robin knows that the Hodson women are a fund of sporting knowledge so I'm sure he'll avail himself of your expertise!

6/08/2009 11:04 PM  
Anonymous Fiona said...

Hi Julie
Can't believe that this is the second time this evening - and only the second time in my life - that I have heard of the term dragon boat racing. A woman I met this evening told me her husband does it too. A big congratulations to Robin - he must be thrilled. Hope you're all well.
Fiona x

6/09/2009 11:34 PM  

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