Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hugo on the settee

Brushpen and digital colour


Blogger Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

What a lovely picture. My word, your family love to relax on sofas a lot - or perhaps that's the only time they are still enough for you to draw and paint them!

6/20/2009 12:47 AM  
Blogger owenswain said...

Cool factor is large here. Like a graphic novel cool.

6/20/2009 2:35 AM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

It's the latter Wendy. They're the most easy to catch when they're stretched out on a sofa.

Ha ha Owen, you make me think it shows I can give the youngsters a run for their money.

6/20/2009 11:07 PM  
Blogger owenswain said...

You're not a youngster? I'm shattered. Wait...there, I'm over it.

6/20/2009 11:52 PM  
Blogger Woodland Fay said...

I've been so enjoying reading all the Julie back posts I've missed during this mad gardening season, that's seen me coming home from the allotment between 9-10 at night. Just managed my first blog in over a month. Is this Illustrator you've used for the colouring? I'm a FreeHand girl myself, but always interested in others techniques. Anyway it's glorious. Hope you're finding time enough for a glass or two on the evening patio during this swelter, regards F.

6/25/2009 5:56 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Fay, I'm an Illustrator girl (thank goodness - with the demise of Freehand). However no, this is the baby colouring in method using photoshop where you put the original in the top layer with transparency set to multiply and then you just paint in all the colours in layers underneath.
And the sketches come at a cost - my garden is a disaster area!

6/25/2009 7:03 PM  

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