Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Tom wearing a Stockwood t-shirt

Tom wearing a t-shirt I designed for the transatlantic sailing race 1988 – there's a great stack of them in the attic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I saw him wearing a Stockwood T-shirt in the summer I was impressed with his ability to preserve something older than him. Now I know!


3/05/2009 3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The eyes / glasses / nose are perfectly done and knowing that you don't use pencil first but just dive in with your brush pen makes it the more impressive. Love it.

3/05/2009 5:03 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Yes Rachel - we can always dig one out for you!
Owen thank you - if you could see the hesitant little pencil lines I used to do - diving in with a pen or brush has made my drawings much more 'committed' and more exciting to do.

3/05/2009 9:57 PM  

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