Thursday, May 01, 2008

Look what can be achieved with a camera phone!

Oh I do love my new little phone. I can walk miles and miles listening to radio 3 or 4. I can ring up members of the family if I need to and I can capture images like this one. This photo hasn't been retouched or cropped. Pretty amazing I think.


Blogger Sherry Pierce Thurner said...

You took an amazing photo!

5/02/2008 1:00 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Beautiful, atmospheric photo. Just a few years ago, you would have needed a state-of-the-art digital camera for this. Now you can do it with a cell phone! Another few years, and you will be able to send your phone to Mars to go take pictures there too... ;-)

5/02/2008 5:19 AM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Thank you Sherry.
Brian it is incredible isn't it. And the memory on this phone is huge compared to my first computer. Having said that the lens is still very basic. However as it weighs so little I'm quite happy to take this with me everywhere as opposed to my camera, so I can capture those fortuitous moments in some way.

5/02/2008 12:29 PM  
Blogger vivien said...

oooh I really like this - it's almost like a Kurt Jackson painting.


5/03/2008 10:43 AM  
Blogger MaryAnn Cleary said...

Beautiful photo!!! I am totally amazed that it was taken from a phone and without any touch-up........I thnk it is time that I got a new phone ;-).

5/03/2008 5:15 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

We have just got new phones and the camera on this one is 2 mgp not about 1 the last one was and apparently I can download music so maybe I dont need an ipod or whatever. Great photo.

5/07/2008 6:57 AM  

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