Saturday, May 31, 2008

Canal boats in Hemel Hempstead

Tiny little water colour while both Xavier and Robin paddled in separate boats. I can’t quite believe that my five year old son was in a canoe on his own.
6.5" x 4.5 " watercolour


Blogger Penny said...

Not quite as bad as Hashi, who has finally made an entry, but I did miss your stuff too. Love the color inthe boats, cant believe you let a 5 year old out by himself, but then when I look back we did things like that too, must be the fact that the older I get the slower. Love the one of Xavier reading, are you having headlice problems that he is dreaming of them? Horrid things.

6/01/2008 8:35 AM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Robin was right next to Xavier to rescue him if he fell in, so not too dangerous. Fortunately Xavier hasn't caught head lice yet, but they're going round the school...

6/01/2008 1:26 PM  

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