Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Where we were today

I drew Tom on the tube train en-route to his appointment with Arkwright scholarships. He had a fun morning at Imperial College working on a team-building engineering exercise followed by an interview as a candidate for a scholarship, which if he is given it, will provide funding for himself and his school for a couple of years. While this was going on I drew some of the buildings nearby. I spent three years as a student in this part of South Kensington without once thinking of drawing any of the buildings – shame I hadn’t thought of ‘One Mile from Home’ at that point in my life.
Then I went back to the College and drew the Queen’s Tower, the last remaining bit of Victoriana, in the midst of all the concrete and glass of this monument to science.
Pen drawings in small sketchbook


Blogger Margaret McCarthy Hunt said...

terrific sketches....

4/04/2008 2:22 AM  
Blogger Making A Mark said...

These really nice sketches Julie.

You're not alone re all the places you never sketched. I'm absolutely mortified by all the places I used to study and work and never ever sketched eg overlooking the Thames not once but twice!!!

4/07/2008 2:50 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Thanks scquiltaddict and Katherine. Katherine we may have missed those potential masterpieces but thank goodness you're documenting the Thames and London beautifully now

4/07/2008 11:17 PM  

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