Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Train people

All in their little bubbles of separateness. The only way of coping with the enforced togetherness.
Pen in small sketchbook


Blogger Felicity Grace said...

Did they notice you drawing? I'd love to be able to do faces when I travel but they always seem to notice me looking. (And I don't look anything like a porn star...!)

4/09/2008 12:58 PM  
Blogger Tami said...

You capture so much character in the face you draw. They all do look locked into their own bubbles of thought...

4/10/2008 3:24 AM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Felicity, I try to look as though I am writing in a small notebook. Though Tom who was sitting beside me reckons that I still look as if I'm drawing them. My response to him was 'you know I'm drawing so you feel very aware of it, but they would assume that 99% of people making marks with a pen in a small book are writing' I try to have that brown study gazing mindlessly into the distance look on my face when secretly I'm looking.
Thanks Tami

4/11/2008 11:56 AM  

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