Monday, November 12, 2007

Xavier drawing

I don’t know how any of you mothers or grandmothers feel, but I find it quite hard to throw away the artistic efforts of my children, but I know if I don’t I’ll be overwhelmed with sculptures made of cereal boxes stuck to yoghurt pots – which to the untrained eye can just look like heaps of household litter. My solution is to photograph or scan such items and create a blog just for Xavier. It should be interesting to see his progress.
Pen in small sketchbook


Blogger Bee said...

That's brilliant! (love your blog and your drawings, by the way. I've been inspired to take up my sketchbooks again. Thank you.)

11/12/2007 5:58 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Bethany, I do think it's worth it for the personal pleasure you can get from it.

11/12/2007 8:05 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

I love the idea, I know what you mean, I still have some very vintage paintings tucked away, then the grandchildren's as well. love his blog

11/12/2007 9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Xavier's blog is a wonderful idea, what fun! (I'd back it up somehow though, 'cause things change and disappear...don't want all that adorable work to just fade away...)

Does he tell you what he wants to you say in the blog, or is he ready to write it himself? What a treasure, in any case!

11/16/2007 1:43 PM  

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