Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Flo lying down

flo lying down
I’ve discovered that portraits of people you love, or even just people who interest you, is the most fascinating kind of art twenty or thirty years after it has been created. While sorting out my old artwork I’m finding it quite difficult to throw away some truly terrible pieces simply because the subject matter is of such interest. Whereas I’m not half as attached to some fairly competent pieces that are more anonymous landscapes, still lives or life drawings. So I’m really glad to be doing all these family portraits as I’m sure I’ll enjoy looking at them twenty years hence. I still haven’t nailed Flo – though this one is one of the better ones.
350mm x 190mm brushpen in sketchbook


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got sketchbooks full of drawings of my children when they were young. I'm so glad I did them because they're so precious now and so much better at conjuring up memories than photos, no matter how bad they are. And believe me, most of them are bad! ;)

11/21/2007 9:12 AM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Jess I wish I'd done it when my older ones were little. I just felt too overwhelmed at the time. Anyway at least I'm grabbing the opportunity now!

11/21/2007 11:51 AM  
Blogger caseytoussaint said...

I can't judge the likeness, but this is a beautiful, expressive portrait.

11/21/2007 1:36 PM  

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