Saturday, June 23, 2007

Imminent rain

A quick watercolour en-route to the bluebell wood.
125mm x 180mm watercolour on Fabriano Artistico CP


Blogger Karen Sandstrom said...

This one's really juicy, Julie. Lots of water in that color (just like the water in the clouds waiting to burst, I'd guess.) Nicely done.

6/24/2007 3:47 AM  
Blogger Gabriel Campanario said...

you captured an interesting atmosphere and perspective with such few strokes, i like it a lot. I also like the sketches of your cast of characters, i'll be coming back!

6/24/2007 6:08 AM  
Blogger mARTa said...

Can you send some of that rain this way? We've only had 3 inches this past year!
You are able to tell us so much with just a few brush strokes! I so enjoy my visits here!

6/24/2007 7:33 AM  
Blogger Penny said...

Julie how do you dry your watercolour when you are out walking?

6/25/2007 2:09 AM  

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