Monday, November 20, 2006

Flo doing her homework at the coffee table

A rather simian Flo – I must have confused her with the monkeys on ‘Planet Earth’. Anyway a good portrait of the general mess of our living room. That laundry still needs folding.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a very honest artist. Whenever I was photographed in the garden, there'd be a line of washing there somewhere. (No garden now, so no washing line!)

11/20/2006 3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just found your pictures. Love them. You are revealing your family in a very touching way, I feel in this brief encounter as if I have met you & your home and who you all are.

11/20/2006 7:44 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

shirl in our old house in the rainy winter and with so much washing there wasn't a radiator that wasn't draped with washing. I know it's not great for the planet but I'm so grateful for my tumble drier.

Walter welcome and thank you. I started this because after years of not doing any drawing, I thought it would be such a shame if I didn't make a record of the all too brief time that the children are children.

11/20/2006 9:23 PM  
Blogger Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

Lovely way of staying with one colour and very nice drawing. Mess - you ain't seen a mess yet!
I nearly put my brush into the coffee cup and there's Fiji Times, the Age, and bills all on the table.

11/21/2006 1:49 AM  
Blogger Terry Banderas said...

Who cares about the mess. Your drawing with the color wash is great.

11/21/2006 2:12 PM  
Blogger Jana Bouc said...

I love the beautiful washes and line work. Such a tender view of Flo (doesn't look simian to me).

11/22/2006 7:45 AM  

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