Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Pregnant lady scratching her bum

Not really, just a rather poor rendition by me, of the hand on Damien Hirst’s stunning new sculpture outside the Royal Academy. A great evening seeing the Summer Exhibition with my friend Jenny.


Blogger Making A Mark said...

Can't see your pic - but I know what it looks like! ;) Did you see the programmes last week about the Summer Exhbition with Lawrence (L-B*). Bit dumbed down but a better insight into the process than we've had in recent years.

*LB = laughing all the way to the bank

6/30/2006 11:14 AM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Yours is much better - I think I was sitting on the same bench as you. I like your abbreviation of his name. Yes I saw the programmes, it was good entertainment. David Mach was a contemporaary of mine at art college - we didn't mix with the sculptors - they were in a completely diferent building but at his final show it was obvious he was going to be a star.

6/30/2006 12:15 PM  
Blogger Jana Bouc said...

Thanks for making me laugh out loud at the title! And thanks also for the nice comments on my blog!

7/06/2006 6:42 AM  

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