Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My unembarrassable husband

I was ambivalent about whether to post this but then I thought, sod it my blog is full of pictures of naked men anyway – why should yet another one matter.
I’d had to miss my weekly life drawing class because of work and had just gone out of the living room to pick up a sketchbook and brushpen. To my amusement this was how I found Robin when I got back!
The censored label is to spare the children’s blushes – Robin couldn’t care less.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is GREAT!! I'll have to show it to my husband---wonder if he'll take up the challenge? ( I did draw him taking a shower a few months ago, but it was for Blind Contour Friday and was very, therefore, distorted.) Robin is quite the trooper, isn't he? Umm, though, wasn't he cold?

4/04/2006 3:07 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

I'm glad you like it Laura. All we need now is for Karen to set "Draw your spouse/partner naked" as the next EDM challenge for everyone to join in the fun! He wouldn't have done it if it was too cold - I tend to like the temperature a few degrees warmer than he does so it was quite warm enough.

4/04/2006 5:49 PM  
Blogger Cream said...

Julie, the sign shows that Robin should be the one with a red face, not you!
Love it really!
Well done, Robin! Keep IT up!

4/05/2006 1:04 AM  
Blogger Linda said...

I think Robin should get the Good-Sport Art-Supporting Hubby Award or something like that. This is great! :-)

4/05/2006 2:21 AM  
Blogger pedalpower said...

This is great....hmmmm how about that challenge for next week. I wonder if Joe will cooperate.

4/05/2006 8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good giggle - I am showing it to the girls in the office.

4/06/2006 5:13 AM  

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