Thursday, November 03, 2005

Illustration Friday - BROKEN

The lengths I'm prepared to go to for my art!
I find that if you park your Peugeot people carrier on a slope, struggle with removing shopping and a toddler who wants to try every door and then let the full weight of the sliding door slide shut onto your fingers you should be pretty successful at creating the perfect subject matter for Illustration Friday.


Blogger Todd DeWolf said...

Multi-tasking gone bad. Ouch! The end result is a great idea for the the theme though. Hope your finger is fine.

11/03/2005 12:14 PM  
Blogger Jaimie said...

you are truly dedicated to your art.
great job

11/03/2005 12:21 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Very artistic of you ...

11/03/2005 12:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Julie,
sorry that happened but it does fit the theme.
I just thought of something. Are you right handed? Might make for some interesting sketches trying to hold a pencil or pen. hope it heals fast

11/03/2005 12:29 PM  
Blogger Courtney Pippin-Mathur said...

ouch, toddlers are a handful. :O

hope it gets better soon...

11/03/2005 12:49 PM  
Blogger vfm4 said...

splendid effect!

(is that a real life story?)
(i hope not?!)

11/03/2005 1:40 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Yes Wally and vfm4, it happened the day before yesterday and yes Toni I am right handed. The worst was the day it happened, the pain sent me into shock, but fortunately it's only a tiny break at the end of my middle finger and a couple of nails will probably fall off, but now it doesn't hurt much, so I've taken th bandage off and can still draw.

Thanks for all your well wishes.

11/03/2005 1:59 PM  
Blogger Catnapping said...

i'm awed by your dedication. i would never go to such lengths!

(i'm glad you're doing better. it's amazing that so many nerves can live around a little bone. my best to you.)

11/03/2005 2:22 PM  
Blogger andrea said...

Nice blog, Julie! This is my first visit. Your photo manipulation looks a lot like the photo in my last post -- minus the bandage! Ouch. Take care of it. Your drawings have a lot of energy in them -- very nice.

11/03/2005 2:53 PM  
Blogger Caroline said...

Your photo and story got to me... yuk!

11/03/2005 3:42 PM  
Blogger Kim Carney said...

Ouch. Perfect for prompt.

11/03/2005 4:08 PM  
Blogger carla said...

So in addition to being a very wonderful visual artist, you're also a performance artist! I'm so sorry for your injury, but I love how you were able to turn it into such a nifty illustration. The colors and the effects you've used make this very graphic and poster-like. I really love the red lettering along the says OUCH in a big way. Hope it heals quickly!

11/03/2005 4:59 PM  
Blogger Cream said...

Ouch! You'll just have to learn to draw with your left hand, eh, Julie?

11/03/2005 5:12 PM  
Blogger isay said...

i hope you are feeling better now. you are so dedicated and even had this image post for your entry.

i have also hurt my smallest finger by having accidentally hit by a heavy door and it felt like i was crushed to death and for has become numb already...

11/03/2005 5:37 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

The little guys are always so helpful aren't they? Glad you've still got use of your hand and that it isn't too painful anymore!

11/03/2005 6:19 PM  
Blogger Nelly said...

If it had to happen...what a great finger for it to happen to. That pain is right up there with childbirth, isn't it? Hope it's feeling better soon. This is a great illustration without the story...but the story gives it an added dimension, for sure.

11/03/2005 7:56 PM  
Blogger The Unknown said...

Excellent and dangerous the way you throw yourself into your work!

11/03/2005 9:05 PM  
Blogger Nelly said...

I forgot to mention in my earlier comment: Having been tagged last week, I posted my "20 things about me"...and now, tag you as one of my five tags. Hope you haven't been already!

11/03/2005 9:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Very strong image!! THat hurt lot!! Hope you feel better ... :) Nice illo

11/03/2005 10:38 PM  
Blogger Saul Iscariot said...

Ouch, you are the Van Gogh of the Illustration Friday world. ;) Very nice image though.

11/04/2005 1:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie I truly hope the finger gets better and quickly, but forgive me while I smirk to myself (I was going to say laugh heartily - but that doesn't seem right given the undoubted pain you are in) as this image with it's phallic connotations etc really appeals to my perverse sense of humour....get well soon.


11/04/2005 9:20 AM  
Blogger Laureline said...

Yikes, Julie!! Please feel better soon! Btw, I do think you've taken the weekly challenge to an unwise extreme. Just sayin'.

11/04/2005 1:00 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Thank you everyone for all your good wishes and I love the funny things you've said. It's nice to see some new faces here.

11/04/2005 7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that's dedication.

11/04/2005 9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ouch! ouch! ouch! I first thought that this was just for Illo Friday, pure illustration...not real. Great illo though! I hope you feel better soon!

11/05/2005 9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Pooh Bear!

11/07/2005 4:20 AM  

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