Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Lifeboat building, Lytham

An attractive nautical piece of architecture set in a boating pond, drawn from the 'daughter' building (a cafe) on the other side of the pond.


Blogger isay said...

interesting! i hope i can see it one day! are they the original colors?

8/24/2005 9:02 PM  
Blogger Chuck Rose said...

Hey Julie,
Wow. You've been busy! Thanks for the comment you left me. To answer your question, I used Liquitex Liquid mask. It came right off, and I had left it on oernight in one case.


8/25/2005 12:06 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Thanks Chuck. I think my mistake in the past was to leave masking fluid on for a much longer period.

Isay I added the colours afterwards from memory - and I'm fairly sure those were the colours

8/25/2005 7:57 PM  

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