Sunday, July 31, 2005

EDM glasses challenge

I really enjoyed doing this drawing. My glasses were on a windowsill and I liked the semi transparent shadows and seeing how the shadow behind the glasses were distorted by my very strong prescription lenses. I don't know how anyone else of my age is coping with this starting to go long-sighted whilst also being very short-sighted. I'm finding it a complete pain in the neck. I've been advised that as I use a monitor a great deal, varifocals aren't suitable because you get funny rings on the sides of your vision. However when I'm drawing it's really difficult. In this instance I was wearing my distance glasses whilst drawing the reading glasses, which was fine for looking at the subject - but very difficult for seeing the pencil and sketchbook.


Blogger isay said...


7/31/2005 11:35 PM  
Blogger Cin said...

gosh I'm having the same problem with my eyesight, yes very difficult to not see what you're drawing !

So I'm especially admiring how beautifully rendered and carefully observed this is ! Bravo !

8/01/2005 2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful drawing! Very delicate and detailed.

8/01/2005 6:34 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Thanks - I do find pencil a great medium for being precise and accurate

8/02/2005 6:26 PM  

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