Saturday, May 21, 2005

Mr Floppy

Hugo left this morning for his primary school final year trip to the Isle of Wight. We have a tradition of embarrassing the children when they go away by hiding cuddly toys in their bags. Mr Floppy is a great favourite and has travelled the world extensively, however we were in such a rush we didn't have time to get up to our usual tricks. So I sent Hugo a letter saying "I was very disappointed that we didn’t have the chance to hide Mr Floppy in your bag, he was keeping well out of the way at the bottom of Xavier’s cot. His view was that he’d already been to the Isle of Wight twice and that it wasn’t a patch on New York so he didn’t want to go for a third time. In case you’re missing him I’ve included a little sketch of him."


Blogger Cheryl Coville said...

This is a charming sketch, Julie. You can feel the texture of Mr. Floppy's coat....but then I'm a sucker for black-and-white renderings. Nice job!

5/24/2005 2:33 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Thank you for your kind comments.

I can't quite get the etiquette of this blog thing. Am I supposed to respond here or directly to the person, and will they ever read my response?

5/26/2005 11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's too cute. I always love the interplay between drawings and words...your illustration of Mr. Floppy is so much more charming with the back story.

In response to your previous response, my friends usually carry conversations through their blog comments. I have my blog comments set to send me an email with each new posting so if it's someone I don't know, I will normally reply to that email so that I know the person received my respone. :-)

5/27/2005 1:29 PM  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Thanks danielle, I've set up my comments to send me an email now

5/28/2005 2:05 PM  
Blogger Terri said...

Too cute Julie! You did a great job depicting his fur.

7/15/2005 4:54 AM  
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